The Gordon Sato and Wally McKeehan Award

The Gordon Sato and Wally McKeehan Award was established by former students Drs. Gordon Yan and Gloria Zhang, founders of Biovision Inc., to honor their mentors.  Both Dr. Sato (1927-2017) and Dr. McKeehan were long time members of the SIVB serving in governing leadership positions, Editors-in-Chief of In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology – Animal and recipients of the SIVB Lifetime Achievement Award.  Dr. Sato and Dr. McKeehan are best known for innovations in mammalian tissue culture including defined media required for discovery and understanding hormones, growth factors and nutrients that mediate cell to cell communication in the tissue microenvironment in health and disease. Dr. Sato was elected to the US National Academy of Sciences in 1984.  Dr. Sato and Dr. McKeehan mentored numerous students who rose to leadership positions in academics, industry, medicine and mentoring internationally.

Click here to see a list of previous winners.

The purpose of the award is to support student participation in the annual SIVB meeting.  A $500 award each is open to two students annually working with vertebrate or invertebrate cells in vitro.

The SIVB Student Award Program provides recognition and financial support for students who have contributed and made outstanding achievements in the field of in vitro biology. Students applying for this award must submit:

  1. An Official Abstract Submission (to be submitted online) and completed online Student Registration.
  2. A letter (4 pages maximum) indicating names of award(s) applying for; narrative of methods, results, and supporting figures/tables as appropriate; and
  3. Research director/supervisor certification that the work was performed by the student applicant.
  4. One-page resume of professional training and publications
  5. Estimate of Travel expenses
  6. Letter of recommendation from a research advisor

Students competing for awards may apply for multiple awards, must satisfy specific award criteria, and must present their papers at the Meeting as scheduled. Winners will be notified prior to the meeting. The student awardees must present their submitted research papers and be present at the meeting award ceremony.

Your submission should be sent to:

Student Awards
Society for In Vitro Biology
672 Old Mill Rd., Suite 284
Millersville, MD 21108
Email: [email protected]

Application Deadline is January 31.

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