Distinguished Service Awards have been chosen most years since 1993 by the President or Past President of the Society to members who have given extraordinary service in support of the annual meeting of SIVB during the past year. We’re known for the quality of our meetings and scientific quality of presentations—because a number of individuals are prepared to ‘go the extra mile’ on behalf of the Society. These individuals may be new or experienced members and serve in a variety of capacities for SIVB. I’m exceptionally pleased to gratefully acknowledge on behalf of the Society the following members with the Distinguished Service Awards for 2018 (and 2017).
J Denry Sato, Thomas Flynn, Eugene Elmore and David Songstad are outgoing Board officers and Mary Welter and Michael Dame are outgoing Section Chairs, whose substantial efforts on behalf of the Society were consistent and valuable to the growth and impact of the Society. Raj Deepika Chauhan, Veena Veena, Shubha Subbarao, and Greg Davis were vital contributors to the work of the Local Organizing Committee and were instrumental in organizing the various social events/tours for the Annual Meeting. John Harbell and Brad Upham represented and promoted the activities of SIVB at the Society of Toxicology Meeting in Texas in December. Maria Jenderek is recognized for her consistent and productive effort in identifying potential candidates for the Awards Committee this past year. Addy Alt-Holland, past Program Chair, is acknowledged for her flexibility and willingness to make most of the announcements for the 2017 meeting normally handled by your Past President who had laryngitis at the time and was unable to speak.
Submitted by Dwight Tomes
Past President, Society for In Vitro Biology