FundforTheFutureThe following members are acknowledged for their contributions for the future endeavors to the Society for In Vitro Biology

Dr. Addy Alt-Holland Mr. Harold E. Lane
Dr. Nelly Auersperg Dr. Robert H. Lawrence Jr.
Dr. Pierluigi Barone Dr. Chunsheng Lu
Dr. Delia R. Bethell Dr. George M. Martin
Dr. Raj P. Bhatt Dr. Steve Michael Millett
Dr. Niels C. Bols Dr. Masayoshi M. Namba
Dr. John M. Bowen Dr. Randall P. Niedz
Dr. Gertrude C. Buehring Dr. Valerie C. Pence
Dr. Lia H. Campbell Dr. Gregory C. Phillips
Dr. Yongjian Chang Dr. Jerome P. Ranch
Dr. T. E. Clemente Dr. Robert S. Redman
Dr. Thelma Dunnebacke-Dixon Dr. Laura S. Rhoads
Mr. Robert B. Eisenreich Dr. Michael J. Rossi
Dr. Joseph Feder Ms. Anna C. Ruckert
Mr. Jean J.F. Felix Dr. Sukhpreet Sandhu
Dr. Barry Flinn Dr. Denry Sato
Dr. Raquel Folgado Dr. Vladimir Sidorov
Dr. Ian Freshney Dr. David A. Sirbasku
Dr. A. Dennis Genovesi Dr. Guo-qing Song
Mr. Glen S. Germain Dr. Mary L. Taub
Dr. John L Griffis, Jr. Dr. Yasuhiro Tomooka
Mr. Thomas Mitchell Gurganus Dr. Esther Eyiuche Uchendu
Dr. Raziel S Hakim Professor Pamela J. Weathers
Dr. Linda B. Jacobsen Dr. Allan R. Wenck
Dr. Maria M. Jenderek Dr. Jack M. Widholm
Dr. Todd J. Jones Ms. Valerie H. Williamson-Weed
Dr. Gerhard W. Kalmus Ms. Martha S. Wright
Dr. Shirley H. Kovacs Dr. Jiping Zhao



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