Please remember to mark your calendar and plan to attend the 2009 SIVB meeting in Charleston, South Carolina, this coming June 6-10, 2009. The Keynote speaker will be Russ Miller from Oak Ridge National Laboratory where he will give the keynote address entitled “Introduction to the DOE BioEnergy Science Center”. Russ is a Senior Commercialization Manager in ORNL’s Partnerships Directorate. President Barack Obama has clearly stated that biofuels will be a strategic component of his energy policy as the new administration develops and this keynote presentation is very timely and pertinent to the interests of the SIVB. Furthermore, Dr. Fredy Altpeter and Dr. Cynthia Goodman have assembled outstanding plant and animal section programs that include a variety of symposia and workshops covering the scientific topics listed below. The 2009 program is only possible because of their commitment to our society and the many people in our membership that agreed to serve as conveners and invited the speakers and organized each session. I am especially excited about the focus on students again this year with the Student Networking Symposium and Luncheon and, of course, our continued sponsorship of the “Free Student Registration” initiative. I look forward to seeing you in Charleston this coming June.
Respectfully yours,
David Songstad, Ph.D.
2009 SIVB Program Chair
Plenary/Joint Symposia
- Gene Targeting
- Integration of Genomics, Proteomics and Metabolomics
- National and International Regulatory Aspects of GEOs
- Feedstock Genomics and Transgenics for Cellulosic Ethanol
- Sharing Science: Promoting Progress Through Public and Media Interactions
- Cryopreservation
- Intelligent Media Design
- Evaluation of Human Health Enhancing Products Through Animal Assays
Education Symposia
- How to Get the Most Out of a Scientific Meeting Workshop
- Student Networking Symposium/Luncheon
Animal Symposia
- Cell Culture of Marine Invertebrates
- Bio/Tissue Engineering
- Toxicology in the 21st Century (June Bradlaw Memorial Symposium)
- In Vitro 3-D Tissue Models for Biomedical Research and Product Development
- Marine Invertebrate and Fish Cell Line Roundtable Discussion
- Bioassay Protocol Workshop
- Impact of Cell Contamination on Research
- Insect Pathogen Field Exploration and In Vitro Propagation
- Protocols for Cell Line Characterization, Identification and Contamination Testing
Plant Symposia
- Transgenic Approaches to Oil Modification
- Plant In Vitro Culture Lab Exercises
- Tree Biotechnology
- Challenges to Large Scale Liquid Plant Micropropagation
- Plant Transgene Expression Systems
- Graphical Statistical Software and Animated Visualizations
- Production of Value Added Products in Transgenic Plants
- Risk Assessment and Transgene Containment of Transgenic Crops
- Advances in Enhancing Transgene Expression Levels in Plants using Nuclear or Transplastomic Approaches
- Highlights in Plant Biotechnology in the Southeast