SIVB Welcomes Its New Members in 2008!

Ms. Shujie Dong, Syngenta Biotechnology Inc.
Ms. Jennifer A. Ehrenberger, Goldsmith Seeds
Dr. Wayne L Forday, LSCT Ngeeann Polytechnic
Dr. Carsten Haber, Bionas-USA
Ms. Amanda Haggerty, Cargill Specialty Canola Oils
Ms. Kathryn M. Larkin, University of Arizona
Mrs. Amanda Mareth, Rice Tec
Mr. Brian R. McMinn, U.S. EPA
Dr. James K. Roberts, Monsanto
Dra. Gabriela Trejo-Tapia, CEPROBI-IPN
Dr. Tzvi Tzfira, University of Michigan
Mr. Richard Yingling, Monsanto

Information provided by the SIVB Business Office

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