David Jayme and his wife Donna were asked by their church to preside over a mission in Manaus, Brazil for the next three years, beginning on July 1st. Accordingly, David will be taking a leave of absence from the university and, for all intents and purposes, will be retiring from full-time science. David’s preparatory language training prior to leaving for Brazil will preclude his participation in the Tucson meeting (“so you will not have to suffer through my singing again”) and he has applied to SIVB for emeritus status. David said “I will miss seeing all of you at the annual meeting, and sincerely hope that it turns out to be an outstanding meeting, scientifically and socially.” Dr. Jayme added that he is familiar with Brazil, having served a mission there for two years, back in 1970-1972, and he has visited there subsequently several times while working for Life Technologies, Inc. as a consultant to the biotechnology and veterinary vaccine industries.
From Incoming IVACS Chair, Dennis Laska:
I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself for those who may not know me. I am Dennis Laska incoming IVACS chair-person. I thank you for bestowing me with this honor and look forward to working with my vice-chairs and secretary to conduct a meaningful and productive section meeting in Tucson, AZ in June. Past-chair David Jamie and an Ad Hoc committee developed a new working charter and you approved it via ballot this past year to help realign our sub-sections into one cohesive section as we move forward. I believe it will strengthen our section as we move forward.
I am sure most of you are aware of the many issues the SIVB has faced in recent years. Most of them revolve around finances and the dwindling membership of the IVACS. Although not completely recovered financially, as a departing member of the Board I am very pleased to assure you that we have weathered the worse of it through fiscally sound practices and responsible meeting planning. These practices will continue as the SIVB moves forward.
Unfortunately, I believe a more difficult task yet awaits us. That is identifying the root causes in the loss of our long- and short-term membership and facilitating their return as well as attraction and retention of new members. We must find a way to creatively evolve and market our Society to be the one which scientists who share our interests deem critical for their ever limited membership funds and personal time and energy. Certainly, this was the case in our Tissue Culture Association hay-days. I believe we can achieve that stature again.
Here is where I would appreciate your help. I ask that you email me or any of the section officers listed below with ideas, tried and true or novel, that can help us reach this vision. The Charter development committee, realizing that this will take considerable effort, created two vice-chairs positions. One focused on membership and participation and the other on development of the animal science’s scientific program. But we need to hear your ideas, comments, and concerns. I will compile these and present them for discussion at the section meeting in June.
Thank you in advance for your support. I look forward to hear from all of you, to seeing the many long time colleagues that I either have the wonderful opportunity to see each year or those who have been absent from our meeting in recent years but choose to attend again, and to welcome new or first-time members. See you in Tucson !!
Dennis Laska – Chair – IVACS section
Cynthia Goodman – IVACS Vice-Chair – Program
Richard Heller – IVACS Vice-Chair – Membership
Guido Caputo – IVACS Secretary