Dear SIVB Members,
By the time you receive this issue of the In Vitro Report, your Board of Directors (BOD) will have completed their Fall Board Meeting at the Hilton Tucson El Conquistador Resort. This meeting is extremely important as it is the only time the Board meets face-to-face, with the exception of the annual meeting. It is normally held at the site of the upcoming meeting, so that the Board can see that the space will indeed fulfill our needs. At other times issues of importance to the Society that need Board approval are conducted through conference calls and by e-mail. The Executive Committee, which is made up of the President, Past-President, President-Elect, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and our Managing Director also meets by conference call on a monthly basis to discuss matters of importance to the Society.
Areas of discussion by the BOD include action items from the previous Board Meeting, our financial status (we have finally eliminated our debt and continue to be profitable) and the upcoming meetings (2008 -2010). The Financial discussions include approval or modification of the 2008 budget and the review of the most recent financial statement. For the 2008 World congress the BOD will look at fund raising, key-note speakers, the scientific program, International involvement, etc. For the 2009 meeting we have to choose between our final 2 cities, Providence, RI and Charleston, SC. For the 2010 meeting the BOD has to finalize our plans with having a joint meeting with the IAPB in St. Louis. Other areas of discussion include our publications, membership retention and growth, the up-coming elections, awards, relationships with other Societies, student initiatives and approval of the contract with New Beginnings Management. Our Long Range Planning Committee, under the leadership of Todd Jones, has completed a “Policy Guidance Recommendations” for the development and support of a SIVB Foundation. This report will be introduced and edited as needed.
Your BOD and Section officers are working hard to make our Society a success. It is now up to you to get involved and to attend the annual meeting.
Paul J. Price, President SIVB
[email protected]
[email protected]