New U.S. Representative to the IAPTC&B
Michael Horn has recently been elected as the next U.S. representative for the IAPTC&B. Long active in the SIVB and still serving that organization as Chair of the SIVB Publications Committee, Michael is now taking on the challenge of revitalizing the U.S. chapter of the IAPTC&B.
“The U.S. chapter of the IAPTC&B has been in a rather long period of decline regarding its membership and I hope to reverse this decline. The IAPTC&B as a whole has done well with the ascension of plant cell culture and plant biotechnology in China, India and the entire Asian subcontinent. The U.S. needs to regain at least a modicum of a leadership role within this great organization”
To start with, Michael puts out a call for all SIVB members involved in plants to join the IAPTC&B:
“I have tried for a long time to convince people within the Plant section of the SIVB to join the IAPTC&B. While the SIVB has served the Plant Section members very well, particularly over the past decade, we need to “globalize” our reach and outlook. IAPTC&B members in other countries look to the U.S. for answers to some of their problems regarding GM crops, technical issues and exchange of scientific ideas. All members of the IAPTC&B receive two special issues of In Vitro-Plant per year that are put together by an international editorial team under the auspices of the IAPTC&B. Those two issues alone are worth the $40/year membership to the IAPTC&B.”
Dr. Horn has also indicated changes are soon to appear:
“I am in the process of developing a website for the U.S. members of the IAPTC&B and visitors. You will be able to join the IAPTC&B from this site, hear news from your IAPTC&B colleagues around the world, post your comments and lab art and many other features. As before, you will be able to renew your membership to the IAPTC&B when you renew your membership to the SIVB. We will be doing some fund-raising and plan to use these funds for, among other things, sponsoring sessions at the annual SIVB meeting with international speakers. Moreover, my hope is the next IAPTC&B meeting in 2010 will see many more and bigger travel grants than we saw this year for Beijing.”
“We will work tirelessly for the U.S. membership, so please join us if you haven’t already. If you have questions, wish to join the IAPTC&B, or had any problems in the past with your IAPTC&B membership, contact me at [email protected]“
Michael Horn
IAPTC&B US Correspondent